Sunday, September 17, 2023

To The One-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

'Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them as an artist',
Build to a predictable crescendo, and in the end add a twist.
The form is fixed at 14 lines, you can call it a sonnet, if you like,
Having mastered the art of suffering, you can now do stand ups and open mike.
Creativity entails respecting the bounds, and then stretching a little beyond,  
To see a thing from different Point Of Views - each time a new use is spawned. 
A simple pencil, in the Alternate Uses Test, can take many forms- become a magic wand, 
When you pen a few lines, daily with its help, with the reader you create an unbreakable bond. 
For 21 days, you vowed to write, as that much time, a habit takes,
Some were genuine masterpieces, others superficial and only fakes.
Today it reaches an anti climax, a poem that's about the journey itself, 
No standard topic to write about- no suicides, ChatGPT- nothing off the shelf. 
21 poems in 17 days, I've raced ahead of the proverbial curve, 
To have not mentioned you in these poems of love, I sure as hell have a lot of nerve.

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