Saturday, January 22, 2022

Doing Good!

How are you? You are doing so well!
On the path to ringing the opening bell! 
Fit and fine, you are looking swell!
On the path to glory, moving heaven and hell!
How's your work, didn't you climb a notch high?
-About your love life- I'm sure hips don't lie!
The humdrum of life, you bid an early goodbye,
Leaving behind a legacy, you can peacefully die.
Doing good in this world, you are on a roll!
Doing what matters, with a perfectly clean soul.
People look up to you, you have been modeling that role,
- Of sparkling like a diamond, when pressurized as a coal. 

Alas, for letting my feelings seep out, I'll be charged with treason,
Why can't I make the facade so strong, why am I sad - for no reason?