This is a poem spread across multiple pages. Please read in order. Please click on links below to read the earlier passages from the poem.
The Fool - I.
The Fool - II.
The Fool - III.
The Fool - IV.
The Fool - V.
The Fool - VI.
The Fool - VII.
The Fool - VIII.
The Fool - IX.
The Fool - X.
The Fool - XI.
But isn’t life already empty, and that too
as of now,
Who tackles the ‘why’
questions, only those of ‘how’
How to get the Grail,
how to make that first move;
How to get
involved in the quest, how to again prove,
How to start and last
a journey- without aim or sight,
How to couch one’s
failures as a fight for right.
How to please the
king, how to heal the wounds,
Not of king- but
self- How to outgrow Love’s boons,
For Love had
protected and Love had scorned,
There are scars
running deep, and skin that’s scorched,
How to be One with
the quest, How to be The One of the quest
And by losing one’s
identity, how one can finally rest
The fire that was
burning – these are questions on fool’s mind,
But not asking the
‘why’ questions, is not a degree error, it’s an error of kind.
For you may know the roads to riches,
you may know just how to lie,
And you may know just
how to touch her,
and you may know just how to cry,
But if you don’t know why you are lying,
and have no clues why you cry
You may as well be a Fool and keep vying,
She’ll leave you for the other guy,
For its not what you say that matters,
And how you say it, hardly counts,
what she cares for is ‘why’ you said it,
you may say I love you, but if to her it
a pretext to get
cozy, and not the heart’s final surrender
you may as well
forget her, and join the plunder.
The plunder of
the quest where the whys are replaced by the hows
You are so
occupied with the journey, you lose sight of the house,
That should have
been your end goal, something to return to after the quest
A place one can
call home, a place where one can finally rest
But all you care
for now is how to leave loves shadow behind
And from ashes rise
to victory, a phoenix on the climb
How to reinvent yourself-
all you care it to win,
What purpose the Grail
serves, is to you a bit dim.
Why Grail, Why Quests,
why kings, why wounds,
Why think of oneself
as divine like Suns and Moons,
Why not satisfied
with a humdrum life, a wife,
Why needs for affairs,
why romance and to be strife,
Why the first
step, why the last, why the desire to be
the Key,
The fool desperately
needs to ask the question – why Me?
Why it’s up to
the fool to end the quest
What crime has he
committed, at best,
His ignorance and
lack of guile may suggest
He’s upto the
task, that’s no excuse, lest
From now onwards
every fool be crucified
And in the quests
of kings, shamelessly sacrificed
He may be capable
of ending the quest,
For quests can be
ended only in jest,
Anyone serious
and focused on winning
Will only against
the tide be swimming
By pitting
against millions who want to win
The knights make
the quests end look grim.
Only a fool with
a mocking disdain of losing,
Can make everyone
a winner, and the quest be losing.
So we agree why the Fool should take that step,
Only he can end the quest, make us all hap,
And we can bet our lives, that the Fool he
He won’t ask the question, why him, not us,
Let him do for us, what we should do for
Losing pawns is Ok in a battle of Knights
and Ewe,
Why did he ever
love; why love cast its spell strong
Now hiding from
cupids arrow, he is in our command
He has to overcome the pain, if he has to
love anew,
He has to forget the many and focus on few
The few knight exemplars that are awed and
And for now let the sun hide behind the
Let this quest be ended, let the Grail be
Today if need be, his soul be bought!
In a Faustian deal to cope with loves
stings and arrows,
Let’s get the Fool on our side- ready to go
to gallows,
And eager for quest, believing it will
liberate his soul,
Lets turn him into a hero, or at least make
him bold,
To face his fate , that was not chosen by
But to take that first step, we have to stroke
his whim
Only by happenstance can a Fool start a
journey so fraught
Even if we, the devils, have his soul negotiated
and bought.
We must take precautions lest he hear a whimper
or the soul’s cry
For in a moment of insight, if he asks the question
Why trade his soul for pain, or for love or
for gain,
Why engage in the quest, when the end is simple
and plain,
In that asking of why, we may lose our savior
for good,
But if the fool asks why- we don’t know- he
keeps that under hood.
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