The Djinn of Positive affirmation, granted Scott 3 wish,
The first wish was plain and simple, to be served money in a dish.
As luck would have, he bought 2 stocks, and both rallied up and on,
Writing for 15 times in a day, worked well, so he carried on.
The second wish he made, was to crack an exam called GMAT,
He wished to achieve 94th percentile, but in mocks at 77th he sat.
Despite this setback, he continued to persevere, on his affirmation routine,
When marks came out, his percentile matched, what his dream goal had been.
Emboldened and drunk on success, with experimentation done,
He revealed his deepest wish- to become a cartoonist- a syndicated one!
Rejections followed galore, and then some lucky breaks,
The rest they say is history, and he's now on a roll without brakes.
If you were granted 3 wishes, you'll probably choose money. success and fame,
From today I'll start writing 15 times, that I'll live up to my #ZeroStudentSuicide claim.
Note: This poem is a part of a collection of poems titled Flotsam and Jetsam. You can read them below:
If you are outside India, you can order a digital copy here.
Thanks for supporting me and my work!
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