Sunday, September 10, 2023

Ab Tak 24...

What happens when you become, just an incremental number,
A stat that one dreads, and wants to hide, or keep in wraps and push under. 
When you are good with data, all you care, how it compares with the norms of this age,
Reducing the deaths takes a backseat, whats important is to ensure proper press coverage.
15 are due to studies, - just 2 due to a failed love affair,
4 due to family tensions- so how's the city to blame, is it fair?   
When lakhs of students descend each year, in this city to fulfill their sacred dreams,
Some collateral damage in this race to win, if within normal limits, is OK it seems. 

And then I'm sure there are some orgs, in the Rest of the Bharat, 
Who find relief and are actually happy, that this hasn't happened, under their Chhat. 
A confluence of students, in this mecca of sorts, is seen by many as a problem in itself,
To me it seems, a place where with efforts, we can finally ensure, no student dies by self. 

They left their child, in the warm protection, of a coaching institute and hostel / PG,
If a custodial death, happens on a regular basis, lets put behind bars, an entire industry, if need be. 

Note: This poem is a part of a collection of poems titled Flotsam and Jetsam. You can read them below: 

If you are in India you can buy a copy from either Amazon or Flipkart
If you are outside India, you can order a digital copy here.  
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