Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Owning Full Stack - Part 2

Identify the vulnerable students, screen them, teach warning signs,
Once the gatekeepers identify at-risk, guide them- its no rocket science.
Lets break the stigma of asking for help - that shows one's maturity,     
As soon as someone reaches out, provide immediate care and safety.  
Crisis diffused, gently handover, to psychiatric care, or as it be, therapy,
Provide hotlines, helplines, walk-ins, mobile vans; go all out to avert, this needless tragedy.
Heaven forbid, if something happens, don't just hush hush- but take care of friends and family,
They are vulnerable then, so reach out and placate, do whatever is needed- there is no universal remedy.
Reduce access to means, the fans containing springs, have their role to play,
But building resilience and teaching life skills, have better returns, If I may say. 
Don't forget to create an environment, where children feel supported and genuinely cared, 
If we had all made a concerted effort, even Yamaraj would not have, to so frequently visit dared.
Owning full stack is never easy, too much responsibility, and only oneself to blame, 
But if everyone can be a part of this mission, then on its success all can rejoice- and thats my aim. 

Note: This poem is a part of a collection of poems titled Flotsam and Jetsam. You can read them below: 

If you are in India you can buy a copy from either Amazon or Flipkart
If you are outside India, you can order a digital copy here.  
Thanks for supporting me and my work!

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