To be or not to be, a doctor is the question,
I need to follow my parents footsteps, is my solemn confession.
No one mentions the grueling residencies, its a noble profession, I'm told,
If I crack NEET in one of the n attempts, I would have hit pure and instant gold.
To be or not to be, an engineer is the question,
I'm good at maths, that seals the deal, where is the confusion?
That I could have a love for science, prefer IISER over IITs,
Is something no one will ever understand, so let me focus on JEE please.
To be or not to be, a non conformist is the question,
If I wish to flourish and bloom, towards me I need to show compassion.
Visit a career coach early, better yet focus only on what I love,
Success wont come easy here too, but I'll find happiness, over and above.
Even after getting your dream stream, life is not easy going to be,
At each step, life may still ask the question- to be or not to be.
Note: This poem is a part of a collection of poems titled Flotsam and Jetsam. You can read them below:
If you are outside India, you can order a digital copy here.
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