Monday, January 25, 2021

Different Lives, Different Fates

The heavier my heart, the faster I burn,
Exhausting my fuel, emptying my urn,
I go down in style, an exploding supernova,
After a million years of life, now in a Black Hole coma.
I'm average to the core, I'm the humble one,
My flame burns steadily, I'm the master of fusion,
I'll become a red giant- slowly shedding my outer layers,
becoming dwarfed and white, give or take a billion years. 
I know my place, I'm the smallest of all,
I can show endurance, let me show some gall,
I can burn so slowly, exceed the age of universe,
Burn red, be dwarfed, but live a 100 billion years.  
You may be average, but you are special to me, a white dwarf that will never get sullied or black,
When you are dying I'll lend you my heart's pieces, so go explode to disappear- don't remain back.

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