Thursday, January 7, 2021


Can't move forward, have an external dependency,
Can't write a sonnet, Oh! Muse have some mercy!
Stalled and blocked, it has been a week of dithering,
False oath of daily sonnets- now Furies to me are tethering.  

Would tomorrow be different? Issue finally resolved?
Writing become a second nature, I'm determined and resolved!
With some real progress, I can be proud of being productive,
The sound of a sonnet forming, Oh! its so deadly and seductive! 

Why wait so long for action, why not push the other one hard?
One needs to let the feelings ferment, to write poetry is an art!
One fears push-back, more stalling one's way, so prefers to use tact,
Using simple rhymes to send a note, the poem is almost ready, in fact.

I'm dependent on you darling, and I prefer it that way,
Would you finally make your mind, so that I too may!

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