Friday, January 29, 2021


I belong to an elite and select group, an alumnus of a famous Insti, 
My claim to fame that with flying colors, I passed an exam called JEE. 
That event happened in a distant past, a quarter century ago,
I might have changed a million fold, that tag will never go. 

I don't mind the tag, cause its a brand in itself!
And though I've moved streams, it still defines myself,
- An assurance that the product, you are being marketed and sold, 
Is of high quality and can be trusted-  was once 24 carats gold.

Not everyone though, who was branded is the same,
Some did a Masters, some an LDP- how lame! 
All animals are equal, but some more equal than others,
let's have a caste system within us, dear Alumni brothers!

Pedigree doesn't make you elite, how you encash it does,
I've overgrown it, but also realized- the name IITian can cause a buzz!