Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Another Letdown?

Don't promise me the moon, on a new moon's night,
taking advantage of the darkness- nowhere a flicker of light,
Suddenly appears a tower, a beacon of hope,
Shall I place my trust in you, and give you a long rope?
I'd rather live in darkness, than be showed false dreams,
I've lend you my voice, made you a conduit for my screams, 
Your power comes form me- and we, who stand for whats right,
Don't use it to settle personal scores, or to make your future bright.

You had started with good intentions, greatness thrust on you, 
If you end up like other scumbags, all will leave, but few,
You've wielded power till now, but in a different domain, 
Will this really be a grassroots movement, questions remain.

Nationalistic Collective is the need of the hour, hope in a few years it doesn't go bad, 
Riding on top of the anti-corruption movement, how Aam Aadmi Party proved to be a fad.

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