Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Money And Happiness

How can we lead a happy life, asked a curious guy,
New research suggests that after all, money can happiness buy.
The more you earn, the happier you are, even beyond baseline,
The easiest route is via money, shouldn't coveting it be fine?

There are things that money can buy, maybe how good you feel each day,
How smug you feel when comparing with others, and what other people say. 
There is happiness that lies beyond this, where people grow and thrive,
Tap into their unique potential, self actualize, not just survive.

A sense of purpose is happiness, and so is feeling in charge,
Making choices is happiness, and so is growing at large.
I choose to write a sonnet, than code to earn some bread,
Feeling happy that I'm getting better, not caring whether they are read.

They say you can be strong and resilient, as long as you have some reason, a Why,
I say you can be happy and carefree, as long as to lure of money you can say bye.

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