Saturday, March 9, 2024

To The Artists And Philosophers

Do the stories have to be real, are the legends really limp ?
Does Art have to discover its youth in the hands of a pimp !
Should the arousal of artistic sensibility elevate God and defy men ?
Can a murder be justified if its from an artist's pen !

Do the Gods have to be created, is there nothing besides the self ?
Do we need a Philosopher to tell us that life's all about itself !
Should the search for meanings transcend the search for life ?
Can a revelation be worth the cost of breaking an armchair to philosophize !

Indeed Poets and Philosophers are a moved and miserable lot
Trying to fill with passion what they thought was an empty slot.
Looking beyond, looking without, even daring to look within --
Their range is bliss and wisdom, their domain -they forget- is the human kin.
All this talk of Art and Philosophy, people don't understand much;
You can keep your divine grace, all they pine for is the human touch.

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