Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The God Without

He resides in the temple, He resides in my heart,
He resides in my words - He graces my art. 
There are many who would say, just seek Him within,
That I stop serving Him outside - chances are thin.

I am like His servant Hanuman, can't rest till I've finished His work,
I write daily, perform duties He gave, feel His presence, as an added perk.
I regret I wasn't there when His abode, was razed, by a barbarian jerk, 
I don't use euphemisms for invaders, whether they be Mughal or Turk.  
What's past is past, let's look ahead, we restored the glory back,  
That a structure had to be demolished first- is part of process, not a day black. 
Now that the temple is ready in a way, and the idol will be revitalized with Ram,
Let's celebrate by emulating Him in every way- by becoming noble, serene and clam.  

Its easy to say, evolve spiritually, be modern, get rid of religions and God,  
Sorry to disappoint, but I wear on my sleeves, the Ram Nami, of my Lord.

1 comment:

Girish Kumar Arora said...

Thanks Sandy for putting my thoughts in your poetry.