Monday, December 18, 2023

On Having No Choice

A girl in scant clothing, triggered his brain that was still part ape,
Finding her alone in a secluded place, made him land with a case of rape.
If his wife had cuddled the night before, he would be drenched in Oxytocin hormone,
Would have let the girl go, when she said 'No', but alas his capacity to care was gone.
Further back in time, in months past, the OTT and web had exposed him to porn,
The brain-part controlling his appetite atrophied - this was surely, not the way he was born.  
If you go back to his unfortunate adolescence, when his crucial identity did form, 
The constant rejections from the girls he coveted, made for him, sex without love, a norm.  

You can dig into his past, when he was a poor child, you'll find a history of neglect and abuse,
The adverse childhood experiences, that shaped him then, are now being put to real good use.
He inherited genes that predispose to lust, he's a male after all, why on him put blame, 
That he should be held responsible, for his acts - is a perpetrator, not a victim - is an argument lame. 

Constrained from birth, as you grow on all fronts, you start gaining, ever more free will, 
To argue against choice, and moral responsibility, in the garb of science, reeks of pure evil. 

PS: Written in response to this article by Robert Sapolsky on his new book Determined. I respect him as a scientist, but would strongly advise people like him to refrain from entering the moral domain. 

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