Thursday, December 14, 2023

Daily Cleansing Ritual

Neglect the home, it starts gathering dust,
Cobwebs start appearing, filling you with disgust.  
Occasional spring cleaning, on Diwali or the New Year,
Can't replace the daily need, to remove stains, remain clear.

Neglect the body, it starts smelling foul, 
As the morning dawns, you pull the towel,
Daily you bathe, daily you change clothes, 
You keep up appearances, through highs and lows.

Neglect the mind, its starts acting wild, 
Meditating daily, keeps it anchored and mild.
A few deep breaths, at night counting sheep, 
To be alert and focused, you prioritize daily sleep.  

Neglect the poem, at the end of the day,
The soul sullied permanently - to wash, just pray!

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