Tuesday, March 2, 2021


The team goes out for lunch, and sits in a group,
Talking in hushed voices, with shoulders that droop.  
Suddenly there is total silence, as if a predator is near,
The manager joined the table, what do we now talk O dear!

The meeting has ended, the manager has left,
All have started chatting, about this and that.
Uncomfortable silence falls, as he rejoins the link,
The whole atmosphere changed, in the time of a wink.

WhatsApp group created, to indulge in water cooler bitching,
Gossip is necessary, without it our tongues are twitching.
The manager gets a whiff, and somehow joins the group, 
The plan has fallen apart, now he has to be kept in the loop.
Team, I gave you all the freedom, that I'm afraid you have misused,
I feel excluded and hurt, and am disappointed that my trust you abused. 

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