Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Punished For Being Outspoken

Express dissent, and be prepared to be harassed, 
Shunned by your fraternity, labeled rebel and outcast.
They'll demolish your office, while you are still in mid flight,
And claim 'Ukhad diya' brazenly, making of your suffering light.
Investigate misdeeds, and they will go after you,
Frame you in fake cases, against you venom spew.
Put you behind bars, after reopening old cases,
Defame you, summon you daily, without any basis.
Share a cartoon, and they will break your jaw, 
File cases against you, for breaking cyber law.
Nobody comes forward, claiming its retaliatory, 
No one has sympathies for the marked quarry. 

But you dare raid for tax evasion, and all hell breaks loose,
How dare you touch our demigods, they are as sacred as Zeus.

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