Sunday, October 16, 2022

Why Write?

100 sonnets in a row, 1K followers on Instagram, 
Numbers like these charm me, like a baby in a pram. 
I write for an audience, why shy from this fact,
If it doesn't strike a chord, why go through the act?

I love when someone likes it, sends an emoji that's heart, 
To not let praise, get to your head, is a slowly dying art.
But what happens when one day, the poem falls flat?
Or even worse, afraid of the balls, I don't pick up the bat?

To pour your heart in a sonnet, is consuming and quite hard, 
If no one appreciates your poems, would you still be called a bard? 
The need to keep writing, to be validated by at least one, 
Is stronger than to be playful, and do it all for fun.

I write for many reasons, in this matter I wont lie,
But the shenanigans are worthwhile, only if they catch your eye!  

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