Thursday, November 10, 2022


The economy takes a downturn, time to layoff staff,
Meta has cut by 13%, Twitter has let go half.
At the end its a contract, We'll pay 8 weeks of gross,
We'll push it on investors, cant run the company in loss. 

The psychological impact be damning, its a trauma unleashed, 
Their identity was tied to the job, now they are naked after the heist.  
Never mind, we'll replace their opium, give references and help get a job,
And hope as they settle for much less, they'll forget their story sob.

The moral dilemma of firing, is non-existent to speak,
Sometimes its due to recession, at times, for performance weak. 
Don't employees leave within a year or two, Loyalty is a 6 letter word,
Why should we feel responsible for them, aren't they as free as a bird? 

We expect layoffs at the drop of a hat, isn't that the way the world works?
That you are able to justify the brazen act, is where the danger really lurks.

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