Sunday, April 7, 2024


I don't eat meat, I don't drink wine,
Sans cigarettes or weed, life seems just fine. 
I don't take sugar, I take only rock salt, 
I shun dairy products, I love animals to a fault. 
I don't consume Insta, I use only a feature phone,  
I don't use credit cards, never consume what you don't own. 
I follow real life friends, don't let 'who you might know' the algo decide,
I never hit the like button, tailoring the feed, to me, doesn't feel right. 

I search in private browser, don't click on sponsored links, 
I abstain from scrolling endlessly, and beat the algos methinks. 
I'm willing to pay premium, to hear in my order my song,
But to abandon myself to the algo, on so many levels seems wrong.
Many people go to great lengths, to feel a sense of power and control, 
But to me its gaining my autonomy back, to be defined by my choices is my goal.

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