Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A Well Deserved Break

I slog all day long, work hard without respite,
Its hard to say I abhor it, or in it take delight.
What's apparent to the naked eye, I get exhausted by night,
And plunge into a restful sleep, as if its my birthright.

I slog all week long, the work takes it's toll, 
Monday's start with a sprint, by Fridays its a stroll. 
By the time the weekend limps, I am ready to crash,  
And degenerate into fun and frolic, in a manner that is brash. 

I slog all year along, New Year resolutions make me toil, 
By the time I reach Christmas, I don't just simmer, I'm ready  to boil.
The year end vacations, seem like a much needed break, 
I've deserved this by working hard, so guilt free I can take. 

Its a wrong way of thinking - lets flip and ask, have I rested enough?
To take on the world yet again, and do with vigor my most important stuff.

The Daily Drill

Wash, Rinse, Repeat, or so the manual says,  
The stain wont go away easily, but persistence pays. 
This city has been sullied, there's a blot on its name, 
It has to perform ablutions daily, if it has to regain its fame. 

Taking a dip in the Ganges, on the day of the Kumbh fair,
May absolve you of your sins, can be a once in 4 year affair,
But to daily feel clean, you have to bathe each day,
And if you're really religious or spiritual, you have to daily pray.

A one off speech is good, an inspiration can turn your life,
But to turn that vision into reality, you have to work daily, right? 
There will be bumps on the road, your motivation will sag, 
You have to daily discover your purpose, if you wish to lead not lag.

Whether its caring for your mental health, or fighting the rampant stigma, 
It can't be a one day act or activism, it has to be done daily, na?

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Patiently Chipping

If you want to eat fig, you have to wait for some time, 
The plant has to bear fruit, you can't just add an enzyme. 
All you can do is add manure, pull out some weeds, 
You can't hasten the process - the fig its sweet time needs.

If you want to make art, you have to chisel all day,
By slowly chipping away, David emerges, oh yea! 
Oftentimes you'll need, to hammer more than once,
That the last blow split the stone, can only be thought by a dunce. 

When something is as mighty, as a rock by the sea,
That it can be turned to sand, is somewhat difficult to see. 
It takes eons of time, and dogged persistence of waves,
That finally the rock succumbs, and its pride way paves. 

I've only started now, but I vow to daily write, 
If I daily nurture hopes, what hope's left for this blight? 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Pub

I may be a teetotaler, but I'll entice you to drink, 
I'll keep my distance from the cup, but fill yours up to the brink.  
I've discovered this sleight of hand, from those belonging to the elite club, 
I gladly refrain myself, but lead you towards the bar and the pub.   

I'm from that ancestral family, where people drink much,
Its no exaggeration, my blood has turned, into 75 % alcohol as such.
I've every right over the courtyard, where like water flows wine,
It was bought by my forefathers, where we today drink and dine. 
For most of the folks its transitory- they are sober in a jiffy,    
That their drinks will last and not spill- the proposition is iffy. 
But the true wine is that which ages with time,
The more you stay in my pub, the more it becomes sublime. 

While praying in pitr paksha, I request you to drink, rather than offer water to Gods,
The more you recite my poems, the more I'll be salvaged- the greater the odds. 

PS: This poem is a humble and creative translation of Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan's epilogue of his famous poem Madhushala. Apologies in advance, if it hurt your sensibilities.

Planning Ahead

You make a plan in advance, before the crisis hits,  
If you live in a quake prone region, fortify the house with bricks.
If you are roaming out in the sea, when the Nature's fury dances, 
That the cyclones will keep sparing you, diminished are the chances.   

The competitive landscape likewise, is built over many fault lines, 
Strong winds blow regularly, there are hidden landmines. 
You've felt the tremors before, you've been swept by overwhelming force, 
No half measures will help you, you have to become strong at the source. 

Forecast what triggers you, what warning signs lurk, 
Identify what saves the day, when nothing seems to work.
A nap, a walk, deep breathing, a talk with friend can heal,
Write down your reasons for living- what gives you zest and zeal.
Identify whom you can lean on in crisis, either a friend or a proper pro, 
If you make a plan in advance, you won't need a 'no harm' contract my bro!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Zero Reasons Why

If smallpox could be eradicated, using a vaccination program, 
There are zero reason why, this can't be eliminated, goddam.  
Our minds we can train and fortify, by nets we can our hostels fortify, 
This menace we can defeat, if in letter and spirit, with state guidelines we choose to comply.  
If fatalities in road accidents, could be historically reduced,
By simply insisting, that airbags and seat-belts be used.  
There are zero reasons why, by using spring loaded fans,
We can't stall people from acting, help them shelve their plans.  

We lived through the pandemic, using social distancing and mask, 
Can't we help people through this too- all we have to do is ask- 
If they are feeling OK, or considering a dire end,
Just listen deeply, and be there as a friend.  
You may think that you are quite helpless, when confronted with someone, who has made up his mind, 
All you need to do is be present and stay with them- there's magic in simply, being loving and kind.



When a man twists his ankle, or falls and breaks his leg, 
it's his self inflicted karma, so why help - do we beg?
Do you ridicule when he screams, in agony and deep pain, 
Or do you empathize and be there, these being the responses sane.

When a man has a fever, is out of action for some time,
We appreciate body fighting virus, it's a boon, not a crime. 
Do you ridicule the weird symptoms, why his body is out of whack, 
Or do you let him recover peacefully, cut him some slack.

When a man is trapped, in a building that's on fire,
Do we really think he chose 5th floor, that death his desire?  
Do you ridicule when he jumps, to escape the smoke and burns, 
Or do you go all out to reach him, never mind the diminishing returns.

My pain may not be visible, but it sure as hell feels real, 
Don't shun me as a crazy attention hog, if you can help that would be ideal.