Sunday, October 8, 2023

Patiently Chipping

If you want to eat fig, you have to wait for some time, 
The plant has to bear fruit, you can't just add an enzyme. 
All you can do is add manure, pull out some weeds, 
You can't hasten the process - the fig its sweet time needs.

If you want to make art, you have to chisel all day,
By slowly chipping away, David emerges, oh yea! 
Oftentimes you'll need, to hammer more than once,
That the last blow split the stone, can only be thought by a dunce. 

When something is as mighty, as a rock by the sea,
That it can be turned to sand, is somewhat difficult to see. 
It takes eons of time, and dogged persistence of waves,
That finally the rock succumbs, and its pride way paves. 

I've only started now, but I vow to daily write, 
If I daily nurture hopes, what hope's left for this blight? 

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