Thursday, October 5, 2023

Planning Ahead

You make a plan in advance, before the crisis hits,  
If you live in a quake prone region, fortify the house with bricks.
If you are roaming out in the sea, when the Nature's fury dances, 
That the cyclones will keep sparing you, diminished are the chances.   

The competitive landscape likewise, is built over many fault lines, 
Strong winds blow regularly, there are hidden landmines. 
You've felt the tremors before, you've been swept by overwhelming force, 
No half measures will help you, you have to become strong at the source. 

Forecast what triggers you, what warning signs lurk, 
Identify what saves the day, when nothing seems to work.
A nap, a walk, deep breathing, a talk with friend can heal,
Write down your reasons for living- what gives you zest and zeal.
Identify whom you can lean on in crisis, either a friend or a proper pro, 
If you make a plan in advance, you won't need a 'no harm' contract my bro!

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