Sunday, December 18, 2022

The First Baby Steps

Why does the child persist in walking, at the end what does he gain?
Crawling can satisfy the need for mobility, walking is filled with falling and pain.
The need to explore, or survive by foraging, are not a drive strong by itself- 
To endure the humiliation, mockery and hurt, and the deepening of doubt in ones self.
Go on existing on all fours, that's enough to satisfy your biological needs, 
To dream of standing on your feet, goes through a path where your skin bleeds.
But others have stood, and are standing still, I'm sure its no magic feat,
If only someone, can show me how its done, I'll be standing, again, on my feet.
My parents want to capture that moment, I bask in their reflected glory, 
The pride they'll feel, in my first baby steps- I've made that goal for me.
They handhold me, soothe me when I fall, and raise my hopes that I'll walk,
And eventually run and beat them to it - a thought at which I balk.

Its easy to exhort fall seven rise eight, but I'm small, frightened and hurt, 
If you really wanna help, get me back on my feet, instead of blurting sayings that are curt.

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