Sunday, February 4, 2024

Blood Money

Investor has loads of money, founder has a peculiar vision,  
Who should gain from the enterprise, is a difficult decision.
Investor brings to the table, network, expertise and big name,
To passion, commitment and execution, founder can lay claim. 

How much to dilute, how much stake to give,
First solve the cash flow problem, to another day live. 
Does one with the capital, always have the upper hand,
Or can with bootstrapping/ crowdsourcing, founders stick like a band? .  

The investment deal done, now who calls the shot,
Can the founder stay true, to the vision he sought?
Or does the fund raise become, now a cycle in itself, 
And in the pressure to return 10X, the founder loses himself?
I birthed this baby, I'll go to any lengths, to keep it alive,
But its ludicrous to think, I'll let you kill it, so that it can survive. 

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