Thursday, June 1, 2023

True Colors

Can I trust you, to have my back, 
Or should I be wary, and keep a check.  
Would you help me, out of love and care,
Or would you be self obsessed- refusing to share. 

Do you have it in you, to apply your reason and will,
Or do you act on your impulses, are basically soft and chill.
Can you withstand pressure, stand alone in a crowd, 
Or do you conform to the winds, and drift away like a cloud. 

Do you have layers of complexity, that are difficult to fathom, 
Or are you a simpleton, a sample from the times of Adam.
Are you different from others, ever changing and unique,
Or are you the proverbial average Joe, of the steadier streak. 
Are you good, are you bad, let your true colors shine,
Please don't act randomly, cheating is not fine.

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