Friday, April 28, 2023


You exist, I exist, that much is true,  
God exists or Santa Claus - is but believed by few. 
We can debate ad nauseam, what is true and false, 
And let life slip by silently, or catch it by the balls. 

I am good, you are bad, an illusion wired hard,
My people, like me, are welcome; strangers must be barred. 
That I belong to the given group, I'm righteous and correct, 
The reason you are sinful and wrong- you are part of a different sect? 
Life should be fair, good should trump evil, wishes by the tons, 
That we should be immortal beings-  absurd, non sequitur ones.  
The world needs to be a rosy place, no need to don sandals, 
For you, I ought to carpet the world, with no fear of vandals.
What is true, what is good, and how things ought to be, 
Alone I barely know an aught, but with you for miles I can see. 

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