Sunday, September 4, 2022

Growth and Transformation

Some wanted to own a Ferrari, others focused on well-being,
When I started all I cared, was to be a good human being. 
But that wasn't alluring enough, so I set my goals high -
To prevent the Third world War, as I thought the end was nigh.
The World War never happened, plunging me into anonymity,
I had failed the foreign service test, but discovered equanimity.  
Leaving the past behind me, I got high on learning,
The passion for psychology, finally resulted in an earning. 

To say that I've turned pragmatic, doesn't do justice to my history, 
To make an impact, by rising up the ranks, explains the mystery-
Of why I am OK pulling people, or pushing them too hard,
And to reach my goals, my former self, I am ready to discard. 

They say growth happens, when you move, with open mind ahead,
I've become a tool to achieve an end, the human being is dead.

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