Monday, August 29, 2022

The Days

The day has gone, I'm filled with loss,
The joy of living, has gone for a toss. 
Withdrawing in a shell, drowning in aqua,
Isolating myself,  I shut the hearts chakra. 

The day is approaching, my heart beats wild,
To get rid of the fear, I close my eyes like a child.
When I can't see ahead,  I conjure a future bleak,
I bet hard on myself, that I'm on a losing streak.

The day has arrived, but I barely take note,
I'm in the middle of nowhere, seasick in the boat.
Drifting and rudderless, I pine for air or land,
Bored to death, worked by the invisible hand.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, I wish I could say,
The days may be lost, but the moments will stay.

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