Saturday, February 19, 2022

Manufacturing Defect?

What do you want, at the end of life?
To be born again, till the end of strife.
An enlightened Buddha, liberated and free,
Or a Bodhisattva bonded, to the common human tree?
What do you want, in the hustle of life?
To touch a few lives, and for equanimity strive.
A self actualized person, writing poems that are perfect,
Or a transcendent one, that's having in other lives impact?
What do you want, at the beginning of life?
Challenges galore, to make you hardened and wise.
A heroic quest, where you can shine and dazzle, 
Or a Sisyphean vow, rolling your rock sans frazzle?

From cradle to the grave, I'll love you to the hilt,
-Despite repeated rejections- 'cause that's the way I'm built!



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