Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Downpour

Firebrand new employee, drunk on the elixir of youth, 
Powerless, yet determined, to fight the system nail and tooth. 
Abhorring the Machiavellian moves, lampooning the manager in skits, 
As I grew up the proverbial ladder, I lost myself in pieces and bits.
A manager with a difference, experimenting within my team,
A limited sphere of influence, until it got shattered- my dream.  
With pressures from above, and firebrand employees below, 
Caught between the rock and a hard place, I opt out and for a while stay low.

Smitten with the entrepreneurial bug, I surface once again,
The vision is right, the team God-send, but I struggle with loss and gain. 
Keeping an enterprise afloat, may require at times to shed some weight,
Am I the first one off the boat, or do I stay, and till the last moment wait?  

Now that the floodgates have opened, if you want you can put the blame on me, 
Only when you have crossed to the other side, you'll fully appreciate the powers that be.

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