Saturday, May 9, 2020

Missing in Action

What happens to the angels, when they are not looking over us?
When they are missing in action, are they allowed a human touch?
Can we reverse roles and fight demons on their behalf?
And hope to heal their wounds  - even if only by half?

Or are they better left alone, to nurse their injuries in solitude,
So that in public they appear strong, and with an invincible attitude,
Can this be a reason , they appear once in a blue moon?
Dazzling with their beauty and beneficence, and imploding soon?

The angel couldn't be weak she couldn't have suffered through,
She acted like a balm, could she have needed some too?
Whenever I really need it, she just keeps popping up,
But what happens to her in the interim, in the run-up?

My angel appeared today, to soothe me once more of my pain,
and I found that when she had needed, I was missing in action again!

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