The Magician -V
This is a poem spread across multiple pages. Please read in order. Please click on links below to read the earlier passages from the poem.
The Fool - I.
The Fool - II.
The Fool - III.
The Fool - IV.
The Fool - V.
The Fool - VI.
The Fool - VII.
The Fool - VIII.
The Fool - IX.
The Fool - X.
The Fool - XI.
The Fool-XII.
The Magician-I.
The Magician -II
The Magician -III
The Magician -IV
The Magician pushes the Fool to take charge,
highlighting the glory that is writ large,
on the one who brings the Grail to the King,
and once and for all an end to the war bring.
Conjuring visions of drinking from the Grail,
the Magician hopes to move further along the tale
the lure of eternal life enough in his view
to make the Fool pine for the quest - only few
who were fool enough could trade this life for eternity,
and this fool was ready to risk his one life- what temerity.
If the reward of an eternal life was not enough to move the fool
The Magician had another trick up his sleeve- another tool
If he could stitch the fool together and make him whole again,
if not firmly on his side, he could also inflict some pain.
Threatening to take him back to that initial state,
The Magician played on his fears, his certain fate
of getting injured critically while attempting the second leap
and never finding out how strong was his conviction deep.
If abandoning the quest, the deserters have to face censure
that the Fool understood this much, the Magician made sure.
If his words could heal and make the Fool stand back on his feet,
the same words could scorch and bite and probably bleed
Bleed to death as the Fool lies helpless and alone,
paying appropriately for a sin he did not atone.
The sin of not toeing the Magician’s line,
having a deserter label was a hideous crime.
Caught in a bind between the eternal life and infamy
The Fool has taken more than he can chew- a double whammy.
And yet he is foolish enough, not to be lured by riches or threats,
this quest he is on, is more than blood and sweats,
If he moves ahead its because of the visions that haunt him,
a world that is suffering, that is desolate and grim
and can become better if the Grail is found
and everyone can drink, with joy abound.
These used to move him, now that dream is a bit shaken
and playing on his insecurities, the Magician has taken,
a much more prominent role in his life
he is a mentor, a motivator, a friend, a guide.
The Fool now ventures forth to please the master,
that he may keep his head high, and fly faster,
and reach this pinnacles that others only dream of
he is no longer an original- he’s the Magician’s spin-off
The Magician has spun a yarn for the fool,
a story where he is nothing more than a tool
in the service of the king- finding Grail his duty,
and if he fails in the quest, he better face fury
not of the King, nor the Magician’s wrath,
but be buried under the weight of the wreath
placed on his soul, as he dies by shame and guilt,
that he couldn’t end the war, that he wasn’t built
strong enough to bear the weight of the quest
preferring instead to while his days away and rest.
The Magician’ magic has worked, he doesn’t need
to taunt the fool anymore, the fool doesn’t heed
what is being said overtly, he now can hear a small voice within
that doesn’t want to let down others and instead wants to win.
Oh, the trickster, he thought his job was finally done
But if there was a doubting Thomas, our fool was one
Not fully convinced by this narrative of duty or pride
The fool kept vacillating, knowing this was no joyride
A quest such as this would be tiresome at best,
meaningless, futile, mission accomplished, what next?
To move him beyond doubts, the Magician simply said,
you have a choice whether to be on the side of good or bad
The end of quest is good, the Holy Grail an enabler of life
the continuation of quest is bad, a situation filled with strife
by ending this quest and bringing heaven on earth
you will be instrumental in abolishing any scarcity and dearth.
There is no pressure, no coercion, just make up your mind
make an informed choice, don’t keep acting blind.
The fool was taken aback, it was time to acknowledge the facts
not all of him, but a large part of him was already on the quest,
The magician need not push him, not verbally, nor from the cliff
he was already looking forward to the fall, the neck stiff,
Not for the king, not for the trickster, Not for glory, nor infamy,
neither for riches, nor eternal life, nor for wiping the blot of guilty
his only drive currently seemed to be how he was on the side of the good
ending the war, getting the grail, letting everyone drink- a modern Robinhood.
How this quest was what defined what he was,
how he could now face himself in either mirror or glass
Going on quests is what fools choose to do
if its upto me- count me in too.
I no longer need the Magician, I am ready to fly
I have made my choice and I know why.