Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The C-Suite

CEO's make decisions, are the face of the org,
Take 6 figure salaries, fly in jets to Luxembourg. 
They are leaders par excellence, have charisma and drive,
Like Queen bees they are supported, by workers in the hive. 

COO's run the company, the day to day work,
When will they become #1, the ambition does lurk.
Managers par excellence, they know their people well,
In the desire to get results, they often on their people yell. 

CFO's crunch numbers, they ensure the cash flow,
They know when to raise investments, and in winter to lie low. 
Accountants par excellence, they know how to balance books, 
To save the costs they can be ruthless- don't go by their looks. 

We all aspire at times, to be a part of that, distinguished C-suite,
By the time we climb the ladder, are we so exhausted, to cheat is sweet?

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