Thursday, September 5, 2024

Teacher's Day - A Call To Action

Some set in motion ripples, others leave a lasting impression.
Each touches our lives- for better or worse, in one or the other fashion. 
A teacher is not necessarily someone, you encounter in a classroom.
It's anyone who helps us learn and grow - from cradle to the tomb.

It's the teacher's job to push us, discover our limits, so we can break them,
In K.G. it may be learning alphabets, in college to play with the word's stem. 
Though challenges are an important part, a good teacher is equal parts support.
Scaffolding and shielding us, and in times of storm, becoming the nearest port.   

What happens to that teacher, who is now old and but forgotten, 
A few pupils maintain a bond, though they may not be their begotten.
The evidence though sparse, that what they did really mattered, 
Is enough to keep them going, though now they're worn and tattered. 
We seldom appreciate, how good a teacher, on calling will feel, 
Lets pick the phone and make their day- let's not our feelings conceal.

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