Monday, September 2, 2024

Teacher's Day Tribute - 1

Programming is a science, all programs should look the same, 
Given a problem statement, what can differ is a variable name.  
So used to say my prof, at the start of the CS 102,
Only to assert at the end -  programming is an art too.  

He taught me how to think logically, write algos and recurse, 
I remember him fondly nowadays, as the one who read my verse.  
Imagine the joy of finding, on the intranet he'd linked to my page,
The legitimacy it bestowed suddenly - all the world was my stage. 
It wasn't fame I was after, nor validation, or feelings of pity,
Just an ack that there was more to it, than mere rhythmicity. 
That a prof would care to read, and find good enough to link,  
Gave me courage to keep writing, and now I write in a blink. 

How to program with humility, I learned from you at IITD,
The right tribute to you Prof Suban, is if a good poet I can be!

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