Thursday, August 15, 2024


Onward and upwards, climb I must,
Get promoted each year, be it boom or bust.
My self-worth attached, to the title I hold,
Only on reaching the top, will my story be told. 

I've reached a decent stature, my station at work,
Can I move up even further, self doubts lurk.
My level of (in)competence, defines my role, 
Can't move up or down, round peg in square hole. 

If I was brilliant in my role, they would move me up,
If I was not performing well, they'd prepare a backup. 
Mediocrity rewarded, I'm stagnant and secure,
No company will poach me, I'll be loyal, for sure.

You can't promote me up, you can't demote me down,
I keep swimming in circles - pls let me float or drown. 

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