Thursday, August 8, 2024

Social Media Policing

Every word you write, every move you make,
I'll be watching you -  whether sleeping or awake.
For by reading what you write, I can infer what you feel,
And figuring your mood is easy- through your insta reels. 
You may find it creepy, when your tweets I follow,
But I gain a lot of insights, when 140 chars I swallow. 
I can find there subtle nuances, that I can't see on your face.
My software keeps analyzing, you are moody on which days.   

I've trained my program, to look for signs of distress,
Detect anxiety and depression, suicidal thoughts or stress. 
What you share so casually, becomes a fodder for me, 
When you know I'm prying, would you still share free? 

SM posts or not, I'll always look out for you,
AI engine or not, I track when you are happy too.

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