Wednesday, March 5, 2025


I seek solitude, not because its easy, but because its necessary, 
In the constant bustle, I'll lose my voice, is my constant worry. 
Time alone is deeply frightening, you have to confront the man within, 
Do you recognize him in the mirror, or has he morphed in the battle to win?
I seek solitude, to build connections, first and foremost with myself,
Your bonds become stronger and mutual, only when you carve a space for yourself.
Time alone is hugely liberating, you can feel the divine presence,
By connecting with nature and humanity, to your existence you add essence.  

I seek solitude, not as a conscious choice, but as a habit that is firmly ingrained,
The only journey worth is within oneself, is the wisdom from the quests I have gained.
Time alone is absolutely essential, it applies a balm to my battered self,
As I heal, it makes me ready for assault, of the new days promise of power and pelf. 
I seek solitude, ofttimes solitude seeks me, we are made for each other,
The more I drown the chatter within, the more I have to say to you, my brother.  

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