Saturday, March 8, 2025

Be Ready To Die

Hell is life drying up, not flowing all the way,  
Neither ending nor collapsing, just silently withering away. 
If Heaven is your burning desire, be ready to go through hell,
Accept and claim your cross with joy, be the one for whom, tolls the bell.
For only from the ashes, can a phoenix resurrect,
If you are not ready to die, living doesn't seem correct.
The only way to transform, is through pain and suffering,
Only when you end something, can there be a new beginning.
No tree can grow to heaven, unless its roots reach down to hell, 
It derives sustenance from its fallen leaves, alchemizes them into its body cell. 
Letting go is a prerequisite, to reap the fruits of spring,
By chipping slowly on your old self, you'll not a transformation bring.
If I want to transcend to a higher plane, I'll need to leap in the air above,
Leave the comforting ground of established relationships, in the quest for true love. 

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