Wednesday, March 5, 2025

May You Burn Bright

What is to give light, must for years burning endure,
If you want to light the world, self sacrifice is the only cure.
To become a beacon for others, you have to grow your height,
Burn like the sun in the sky, far and wide share your light.
Some dazzle with their brilliance, like a diamond that is rare,
Others light the flame in others, ensuring they carry further the flare. 
I cannot shine at someone's expense, nor pass my malady to thee,
I need to be consumed to my very core, the burning is what defines me. 
What burns with so much passion, will get consumed as soon,
Better to burst like a supernova, than to become a dull moon.  
Even in my dramatic passing, I'll for years keep shining bright,
Not wax and wane as the time flows, dependent on sun's light.  

There's a glory in burning bright, like the sun dominating the day sky, 
I prefer a galaxy of (k)night stars, each burning with their personal why.

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