Stories have a hold and power, as emotion and drama sells,
But the most dangerous stories, are the ones we tell ourselves.
Confirmation bias entails, we need the story to be true,
If our story is that we are depressed, the world looks a tinge of blue.
What myth am I acting out, is a question to ponder often,
The possibility of a different narration, can reality's blow soften.
If I don't make the unconscious conscious, I'll keep calling it fate,
But if I know how my story ends, I can change the climax, my mate.
Those who believe in survival are the warriors, others are on a heroic quest,
If you think you don't live the stories you tell, do me favor and be my guest.
You don't need to get rid of the stories, just take a baby step back,
Just twist and tweak your story a bit, till light comes from the crack.
As I have to write daily, you may think it's a punishment, a sort of Sisyphian task,
By invoking the Muse, at command, I reverse the punishment, and in its glory bask.