Thursday, January 30, 2025

Epic Battles on A Daily Basis!

To fight or not to fight, that is the question, 
Arguing on a daily basis, isn't that a digression?
From the overarching goal, that gives you the will to push back, 
The lofty goal justifying, painting your adversary in black.
To speak or not to speak, that is the question, 
Can stifling your voice, lead to a better progression?
Silence ensures, conflict is averted, pain doesn't arise,
But compromising on your ideals daily, is that wise? 
To pen or not to pen, that is the question,
Is it OK to give your defeat, a new expression?
Asurs cannot win, so the history needs rewrite,
The poet with his sonnets, can finally make things right. 
To resign or not to resign, that is the question,
Can you rise above your fate, or are merely your profession?

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