Failed relationships, not imperfect resumes,
If you have to summarize, these are the top ways,
In which one evaluates life- these are the regrets of the dying,
Giving a clue as to what matters, as on deathbed no one's lying.
The dying lament the fact, they lacked courage and nerve,
To live life on their own terms, a life full of joy and verve.
They could never gather courage, to reach out and care,
Fearing it won't be returned, they did not to love dare.
Do they regret in their dreams, not giving to work their all,
Was the 90 hr week worth it, do they feel proud about that call?
The cost of losing touch, with friends, family and dear ones,
Can a big bag of cash offset it, no matter how large the sums?
I may not be dying yet, but I choose meaning and happiness over societal success,
On Friday nights I work late, or spend time with family, or craft poems, is anyone's guess!