Friday, October 18, 2024

Change Agent

How can you change opinions, when you take an adversarial stance?
Convincing someone of your truth, is not a battle, but a dance!
Two steps forward to mark progress, one step backwards to make peace, 
If you are obsessed with winning each round, you'll miss the forest for the trees.
How can you change opinions, when for you listening feels remote,
You demolish with cold logic, not caring about what they emote.
For you can always win an argument, but lose a loyal friend,  
How you reach a common ground for both, is what matters in the end. 
How can you change opinions, when you're cocksure of what you know,
If you can't unlearn and think again, your wisdom will never grow. 
Monkey see, monkey do, when you are open, they open up,  
You need to make space within, you can't pour in a filled cup. 

Why do you want to change opinions, and what do you want to change?
We can change the world- one person at a time, but not ourselves, I find funny and strange.


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