Friday, May 31, 2024

Missing a Friend

12 missed calls, from 5 different friends,
No response, or busy tone, we were at wits ends.
The matter was urgent, a Friday night party,
That a regular was missing, was a cause for anxiety.

He's a mouse at his home, his leg we used to pull,
Without him attending, the quorum wasn't full.
We shot on wide angle, all the gathered friends,
And shared over WhatsApp, to cajole and make amends.

The message wasn't received, the blue tick didn't come,
We celebrated in nearby restaurant, while he was perhaps lonesome.
Our outrage was justified, why ignore us all,
Was our celebration secondary, to some official call?

As the party drew to an end, a message was received,
My connection was down, please don't feel aggrieved.

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