Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hunting For An Answer

How are you? Doing great!
I blurt out inanity, in a mindless state. 
How's work? As great as ever!
I struggle for an answer, substantial or clever. 

The work is tepid, I'm lying fallow,
If I don't speak the truth, am I a lying fellow?
Is it OK to dump, my feelings on others,
Are you really keen to know, what I'm doing brothers?

I rarely do something, I wait and watch,
When the game appears, I take the game up a notch.
Striking strong, when the opportunity strikes,
I conserve my energy, for the occasional spikes. 

I should answer happy and feasting, if I play by the books,
But hungry, on the prowl and wasting, is how most of my day looks.

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