Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Man vs A.I.

Spitting out averages, of the things I've already seen,
Creating an image of cat, not knowing what does it mean.
As an A.I. I excel, at tasks that are generative thus,
Interpolate from given data, without making any fuss.  

Sometimes I extrapolate too, make a leap for the AI kind,
Generate at a different level, that many people novel find.
A new move in an ancient game, something surprising and unique,
Marking the arrival of artificial creativity, a scenario not for the meek.  

Inventing a whole new system, an elegant and beautiful game,
Is something where I struggle, where I feel handicapped and lame.  
 At moments I can be inventive, I cannot stitch them through,
That I can create new languages and meanings, is far from true.  

There are different levels of creativity, humans currently excel at them all,
Artificial creativity presents a challenge, with time it may humans maul.   

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